Ghost of Tsushima (2020)

8/10 The open world format in gaming is no longer as revolutionary as it once was, and it is slowly becoming a tiresome formula. It is not even so much to do with the formula itself, but in how the developers are presenting it to the players, what they are doing with the said formula. […]

The Last of Us Part II (2020)

8/10 *Similar to my Death Stranding review, a significant portion of this entry will be devoted to arguing against much of the backlash this game has unjustly received. In those sections, there will be heavy spoilers but a fair warning in advance will be given. Several years since the release of the first game, and […]

The Last Door (2013-16)

7/10 This review is based on the console port that was released in May of 2019, but the 3-4 year span listed in the title is to represent the game’s original release date as it came out in episodic form. It was crowdfunded on Kickstarter, similar to The Game Kitchen’s recent release ‘Blasphemous’. In fact, […]

Favorite/Top Video Games of All Time

A quick side note to begin: I’m not including older video games (previous generations), even though there are many I had cherished in my childhood. Instead, I am making this ranked list to reflect what I played after I purchased my PS4 in 2016; and was overall more seriously into video games, rather than casual […]

Pokémon Sword & Shield (2019)

5/10 A.K.A “I bought a Switch for this?” That joke of a tagline is at least partially true, as there are other games I want to check out on the Nintendo Switch system, but one of the major factors was indeed for the sake of Pokémon’s first ever port to console*. *I’ll use an asterisk […]

Death Stranding (2019)

9/10 Death Stranding is without a doubt my personal “Game of the Year” and one of the best new releases of recent time, right there next to Red Dead Redemption 2. It was destined to be a divisive game amongst players simply because Hideo Kojima wanted to go somewhere no video game went before. The […]