Dreams of Revolution

Konstantin Yuon – New Planet (1921)

Life idles by, as we work in constant like cogs in a machine. I feel like a peasant in the feudal era, forced against my will to participate in a system that is harmful, disadvantageous, and unequal. Serving superior overlords and masters, and being bluntly kept in place by lap dogs of the ruling class (law enforcement and military). Even our freedom to travel in order to escape our servitude is hindered by the lack of resources and funding to do so. We are kept in a position that brings about the illusion of freedom, while our invisible shackles and chains still grip us. These shackles and chains are the necessities of life that come with a price tag. Our poverty is just enough that it keeps the masses complacent, but solidly in place. We cannot afford to emigrate. Hell, oftentimes we cannot even afford to switch professions or move interstate. There are such strings attached that keep us bound like health insurance, housing, affordable cost of living, etc. So we toil away, making due with whatever scraps we are thrown, some more fortunate than others, while many more starve and suffer without a single crumb.

I believe America has perfected this system of Capitalism, growing and nurturing it from a small sapling. The problem is they were impatient, they demanded results, and wanted the tree to bear fruit right away, the best it was able to produce. Thus, the ruling class poisoned the tree with chemicals that gave them what they wanted, only the effects are just now beginning to catch up with them. The tree is starting to rot, and the greed of the ruling class is eating away at their power structure. The fruit is hoarded by a few, while we watch the leaves fall and fragile branches snap from the weight it is expected to hold. This dying tree has never been intended to bear fruit for the working class and poverty stricken masses. It is long overdue for we the people to bring the axe and sever it from its roots. In its place, we will plant a new tree, one that will provide for all.

I dream of a revolution. One that will rescue me and others from this dystopia in which we are forced to exist. I would gladly partake in such a revolution, and the time may come when that day becomes a reality. Until then, my shackles keep me locked into forceful participation for a system that I loathe. What is contradictory is we are all so dependent on this system that does not even provide us with the means to care for our individual and communal needs. Yet the alternative is even worse, if we lose housing, if we lose healthcare, if we lose sustenance… Unless we rebel.

I have hope for the future. The tree is clearly beginning to collapse under its rotted limbs. The once voiceless are now beginning to yell. I just hope the time comes soon, while I’m still around to experience it. I hope I survive long enough to even witness the toppling of this American imperialist regime. It’s getting more and more difficult to just merely make due with what we have. I’m trying…

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